XMU Confession M'sia
See the best posts from XMU Confession M'sia
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If you encountered any difficulties issues (unwell or emergency), please DM us your Name and Contact No. Disclaimer: We will remove your personal information before posting.

Disclaimer: Confession House Rules and Filter Preferences

  1. 攻击性的文字将会被过滤

  2. Offensive words will be filtered.

  3. 争议性的议题将会被*起, 适合的才会发出来 2.Topics which are argumentative will be asterisked unless appropriate.

  4. 希望同学们在作出任何投诉时尽量不用一些不适当的文字 3.Confessors are advised to not use indecent words in any confession.

  5. 本页实践言论自由, 各位的言论虽不受到限制与审查,但以非匿名方式投稿/评论的同学,需为自己的发言负责。

  6. XMUMCP seeks to provide an unrestricted platform for freedom of speech. XMUMCP does not represent any commentary made by students who confessed/commented without being anonymized.

  7. 本页禁止所有买卖活动,除了校内宣传或校外宣传之外,其他的买卖po文都会被过滤掉。

  8. XMUM Confession Page bans all types of trading activity. Any post submission that is related to trading activities will be rejected.

  9. 问卷:名字科系学号科目教授主题目的文案 少一个不给你过 非学术性质不给你过 需要填个人资料不给你过 For survey/questionnaire, please include your full details in the submission or else we won't approve it. Name/ID/Subject/Lecturer/Topic/Purpose/Target Audience/Brief intro/... We will not approve nonacademic related survey as well.

What is this website for?

We act as a submission portal for anonymous Facebook pages, confessions pages, and freedom walls. Simply type your submission into the Facebook page's portal and the admins of that page will review your submission. If it is successful it will be posted on that page's Facebook feed.

What is Uni-Truths?

We are a company that develops user-friendly software which enables crowd-sourced publishing for free! We are used by many student pages and undergraduate communities, from freshers to postgrads, in universities and colleges all over the world. Our advanced features enable anyone to submit anonymously and makes social media management easy. No more slow, clunky forms or outdated websites.

Am I anonymous?

Yes! We do not store any identifying material about you.